HighBeam Health Services serving the Greater Richmond, VA region.
Welcome to HighBeam Health Services

Get Quality Care and Services

Compassionate Mental Health Care and Services for people ages 18 and older in the Greater Richmond Region.

About Us

We Provide the Resources You Need to Live a Happy, Fulfilling Life

At HighBeam Health Services, Inc., we provide expert mental health care and services in our conveniently located office. Our care is tailored to our clients' individual needs and goals. We provide personalized care, medication management, and more to ensure that our clients have access to the resources they need for a happy and fulfilling life.
Our Commitment
Promoting Resilience and Healing with Integrated Services
Comprehensive Care
Our comprehensive care and treatment services include counseling services, life skills building, crisis intervention, medication treatment, and more, to ensure that our clients have access to the foundations to consistently advance on their path to wellness.
Experienced Professionals
Our team of experienced mental health professionals is committed to promoting resilience and healing among our clients.
HighBeam Health promoting resilience and healing.
More than treatment
We're Your Mental Health and Wellness Partner

Empowering Transformation: Embracing Life’s Challenges and Helping You Find Your Purpose.

We understand that recovery is about much more than just treating disorders. We help clients take control of their lives, find meaning in their everyday experiences, and develop the skills to cope with life's challenges.
HighBeam health empowering transformation
Partner with us on your road to healing & thriving

Get started today and schedule your free consultation.

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